We deploy Adaptive AI to transform the business of law

Translates raw timesheet data into hyper-actionable recommendations
Understands nuance inherent in matter management decisions
Continuously adapts based on the human : machine feedback loop

Our product draws on  behavioural decision sciences to promote change

For lawyers, effective revenue management is a recall/decision challenge – the right decision needs to be made at the right time. This can be better understood when examined through the prism of behavioural decision science. Our product is designed in line with cutting-edge smart nudging principles that help counter the inherent conflict of interest between System 1 and System 2 thinking. As a result, our product helps achieve the “holy grail” of improving non-chargeable decisions without negatively impacting utilisation.

System 1 thinking

Quick, intuitive thinking

Takes less valuable time (costs less) but produces worse results

Feels like we’re now veering outside of our scope here

I reckon we’re still within the cap

When was the last time I reviewed my WIP on this matter?

System 2 thinking

Slow, analytical thinking

Produces better results but take more time and effort (costs more)

This document is in scope, but reviewing the other two is not

We have £17.5k left within the cap

My WIP on this matter is £27k and is 72 days old – older than WIP on 80% of similar matters